AFDT Airborne Flight Data Transmitter

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About the product:

IATAS is committed to operational data security. Unlike the industry that is moving towards a non-secure cloud-based flight tracking, IATAS ensures data is secured and is deleted. A patent application was filled in 2013 for secure means to make this possible.

AFDT provides pilots and airlines with the anticipated regulation for flight tracking. IATAS encrypts FDR information for storage in a highly secured operational environment in case of an incident.

The data is stored from the start of the flight until it is closed.

Once the flight is closed, audio and identifying information such as flight and airline is stripped from the data. The resulting data is anonymous, allowing manufacturers, ANSPs and airlines to better understand operational data - without knowing the actual flight. This enables the industry to move forward in route planning by using the data for statistical modeling (such as time between locations at particular altitude).

In the case of an incident, after an airline's approval, only the appointed investigator will have access to the data of the flight that wasn't closed. This process ensures there are no costs involved in recovering the black box, or trying to recover the data captured by the box in case of fire.

Operational Benefits and Features (partial list)

  • • Highly encrypted in an operational environment
  • • Identifying data is automatically deleted after flight closure.
  • • Information required by investigators is available on a replay platform that is only accessible to the assigned investigator
  • • No need to search for the FDR


  • • SWIM Compliant using AIXM, FIXM, WXXM for interoperability and adherence to AIRM. Registered within SESAR SWIM registry.
  • • Supports differences between regulations on parameters (ICAO / EC/ FAA / NATS)



  • • Phone, video conferencing and remote desktop support Mon-Fri 08:00-21:00 UTC

Ordering and Supply

  • • Turn-key, install on windows-based tablet and start using.

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